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On this page you will find information concerning XVA's policies and guidelines regarding Code of Conduct, Travel policies, Parent, Player and Spectator guidelines and much more. We ask that you read these documents to have a better understanding of Club Volleyball and all that it entails. 


Code of Conduct

The following rules have been set by XVA to ensure the smooth running of our program and will be provided to both athletes and parents.  They address attendance, effort and conduct detrimental to the team.  These rules will be enforced without exception.  Players & Parents who do not abide by these rules will not be allowed to participate in club activities. These rules apply to all programs run by XVA.


1.  Respect & Good Sportsmanship is a MUST. Show respect for all involved (coaches, teammates, opponents, referees, parents, etc.). Bullying will NOT be tolerated and will result in immediate expulsion from the team.

2.  Offensive language, drugs, tobacco, and alcohol use by athletes is prohibited.

3.  Social Media - Your online presence is a reflection of yourself and your team/club.  Please refrain from posting anything that could be potentially damaging or embarrassing to our team or yourself including photos.  In addition, posting negative comments about teammates, opponents, etc. will result in suspension/expulsion from the team.

4.  Appropriate - All players are required to dress appropriately and act appropriately at practice, scrimmages, tournaments, etc. Your behavior/dress is a reflection of yourself and of our club, please show us both respect.

5.  Punctual: All players should be ready to play (shoes on, hair done, warmed up, etc.) at their scheduled time for practice, scrimmages & tournament. In addition, all players MUST have all their equipment at all times.

6.  All players must attend 100% of practices and 100% of tournaments or risk dismissal from the team.  We understand there are certain circumstances, so if a player will be missing a practice or tournament, that player must contact the head coach ASAP. Club volleyball is a big commitment if a player is unable to make volleyball their priority they should not play on a travel team.

7.  Players & Parents will NOT interact with Tournament Officials (Referees, Line Judges & Scorekeepers) for any reason. The Coach & Assistant Coach will handle any and all issues during tournaments.

8.  Parents will not discuss playing time with the coaching staff at tournaments.  If you have concerns about playing time, please email the coach and director to set up a meeting. Playing time is earned and is at the coach's discretion.

9.  Parents are NOT allowed on the "bench" for any reason. Only club officials, coaches, and players are permitted. Parents will not attempt to “coach” their daughter from the sidelines.  Any player receiving “coaching” from the sidelines will be removed for the remainder of the match or practice. 

10.  Parents WILL be a role model and a cheerleader for their child and their teammates.


SafeSport Handbook

Parents Guide

Spectator Guide

Competition Guide

Age Definition

Travel Policies

All Brooklyn Chinese Volleyball Association Inc’s (XVA) players and parents are expected to abide by the travel policies below.

General Travel Policies

  • When traveling to tournaments, XVA prefers that each player stays with her own parent/guardian. It is the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian to arrange and ensure that the athlete has a proper chaperone and accommodations.

  • The club or individual teams will reserve blocks of hotel rooms for most tournaments as stated by the guidelines from the tournament directors. Parents/players are required to stay in the designated hotels and it is the sole responsibility of the parent/player for expenses incurred with regards to travel, hotel, incidentals, etc.

  • When traveling to overnight tournaments, curfew will be 11:00 pm all nights before a match. If the coaching or administrative staff is notified of any disturbances by XVA players, the offending player(s) will be asked to leave the site for the remainder of the tournament. Coaches may set earlier curfews based on their team’s playing schedule.

  • Transportation to and from all tournaments is the responsibility of the parent.

  • When traveling, there should be no display of disrespect towards any club, player, parent, coach, hotel employee, or other hotel guests. XVA’s & USAV’s Code of Conduct is enforced at all times.


Stay to Play Tournament Policies

Certain tournaments require a Stay-To-Play policy. This policy requires all players, parents, coaches, directors, and officials to stay in designated hotels in order to meet entrance requirements for the tournament. Teams who do not abide by the Stay To Play policy will not be allowed to play in these types of tournaments. For this reason, XVA has the following policies in place:

  • Stay to Play tournaments will be designated at the time the tournament schedule is distributed.

  • No individual should make non-refundable travel arrangements for any Stay to Play tournament without consulting with the club director.

  • All players, parents, coaches, and friends attending a Stay to Play tournament will be required to stay in the designated hotel(s) for the entire duration of the tournament.

  • Any individual violating this policy will be subject to a fine, payable to XVA, of not more than the cost of 1 hotel room at the designated hotel for the duration of the tournament.


Parent Policy & Responsibilities

XVA’s Parent’s understands that a commitment to play any club sport is as much a commitment for the parent or guardian as it is for the player involved. We do our best to assist parents in any way we can by providing information in a timely manner and answering any questions that may arise during the season. We feel strongly that parents make up an important part of our program. We have directly incorporated their thoughts, desires, and ideas into our philosophy and structure. We understand and appreciate that parents are willing to entrust us with helping to mold their daughters into confident, assertive, and well-rounded young adults.


  • The best source of information for XVA is the club’s website,  The website is updated consistently throughout the season with tournament information and other team information.

  • Each family is required to provide XVA with at least one primary email address to which all club information will be sent. Parents are expected to check this email frequently, as most club information will be distributed by email.

  • Each family will have an account in the XVA Registration system. From this account, the player or parent will be able to access practice and tournament schedules, register for programs/clinics, etc., personal financial and payment information, and much more.

  • Parents are responsible for transportation to and from all practices and tournaments.

  • Parents are asked to be supportive of the entire team at all times, and of other XVA teams at tournaments. Parents are not to make rude or disparaging comments to any player, coach, parent, official, or opposing team. Anyone who engages in this sort of behavior will be asked to leave the facility.

  • Parents are not to “coach” their athletes during practice or tournaments. Athletes should be focused on their team and coach and listening to what the coach has to say.

  • XVA coaches have the right to conduct closed practices. This means that parents or fans will be asked to leave the court area for the duration of the practice. This is an individual coach’s decision and we ask all parents to respect it.

  • If a player is removed by a parent from any practice or tournament site without prior permission from the head coach, XVA will consider that player to have resigned from the program. All remaining monies will become due and payable at that time.

  • All players, parents, and spectators, whether at a tournament and/or practice, are required to adhere to XVA and USAV’s Code of Conduct.

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